Monday 9 June 2014

Humphrey Bogart and Other Phony Movie Actors

One of the things I hate the most about the movies is how Phony the actors ARE. Not just how they have Phoney emotions and feelings that someone else wrote for them, but who they really ARE in real life that they don't show to the chumps in the cinemas.

Take Humphrey Bogart as an example. In a bunch of movies I saw him in, he's got a full head of hair that just drives the galls crazy. But from what I hear, he really wears a wig, a big fat fake wig cause the guys balding in real life.

But do they put that on the posters for his movies.

"Come see the spectacle that is Phoney BigFarce new, shiny, big money fake crop of hair as you've never seen it before."

Wouldn't that be great.

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